Friday, October 17, 2008

A Talk About Style and Post Processing

I'm probably not unlike the rest of you and others that consider themselves photography enthusiasts in that I not only like to take photos, but I just like to look at them as well. There's more to it than just the joy of looking and experiencing someone else's unqiue perspective and gift though, it's also that in looking at the work of others, I analyze what I see - what I like and don't like and, in so doing, develop my own eye. . .and hopefully, eventually, my skill. . .further. I recently came across this website (click the title link to go there) of a photographer in Arkansas. I don't spotlight her here as the beacon of what we should all strive to become, but rather to spark a discussion on style and post processing in portrait photography. While some of her portraits are more simple or more 'realistic', overall this particular photographer strives for what I would call a very dramatic, artistic impact in her portrayals. I am not very experienced in post processing, especially with regard to portraits, so I wonder about the techniques she employs. It looks like she does skin softening, some heavy vingetting, some eye and mouth enhancements, and some tweaking on saturation for 'pop'. I'm just curious what you guys think of her style and, for those of you out there that are experienced in the realm of post processing, how you think she achieves this look.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I luv her work, the color saturation is excellent and her posing technique is fresh. She mustg use some type of filter or something to get such even lighting and color.