Saturday, October 11, 2008

Community and Christmas

I wanted to float this idea out to the group to see how it is received. I thought that it would be nice if we, as a club, incorporated some kind of community support/involvement as part of our vision or charter. In this vein, I wanted to see if the group would have any interest in doing 'charity' or low-cost portrait sessions, primarily for underprivileged families, for the upcoming holidays. It isn't much, maybe, but I thought it would be a great opportunity for us to get some practice shooting, maybe under the guidance of our professional members (said while crossing my fingers hopefully), while at the same time giving something to our community and giving these families the opportunity to have family portraits done when they might not otherwise be able to budget for such a 'luxury' item. We might be able to work through one or more local churches to make this happen. Okay, gang, what do you think? Love it. . .hate it. . .think I've lost it??? Please comment on this post with your opinion.


1 comment:

Brenda said...

I love the idea. I think it will help us come together as a group and also help the community at the same time. Can we discuss it more at the Oct 28th meeting?