Sunday, February 15, 2009

What to Do? Where to Go?

Since it will be later this month before we meet again, I thought it would be a good idea to get the ball rolling on the discussion around what we'd like to do as a club this year and where we might like to go. So, please share your thoughts by leaving a comment here, or in the Flickr discussion pool.

Here are some questions/thoughts to guide our discussion:

- What do you want to get out of this club?
- Do you want guest speakers and, if so, who? On what topics?
- Do you want workshops and, if so, covering what subjects?
- Do you want group outings and, if so, where?
- Do you want group exhibits?
- Do you have suggestions to improve our club? Well, let us hear them!
- What do you like/think is working for our club right now and what do you dislike/think isn't working right now? What changes would you like to see?

1 comment:

Jay said...

I learnt a lot last night. thankyou. here is a site that probably will help people with olympus camera
looking forward to shooting with the club