Saturday, November 1, 2008

We had a great meeting on Tuesday

Thanks go out to all of you who attended the Scott County Shooters meet this past Tuesday evening, with a special thanks to Dewanna Marcum for the excellent tutorial on how to get plugged into our new Scott County Shooters Blog and how to use Flickr. If you haven't signed on as a member of the Shooters group, I encourage you to do so right away. It is an excellent tool for posting comments, questions, advertisements, share photography information, etc. The blog is a private group and the only way you can join is by invitation, so just in case you have lost yours, I will resend it to all of you after this post.

We discussed the agenda for 2009 and found that it was unanimous that we all want more group outings! There WILL be some group outings scheduled in the future. Also, if you have a specific day or event that you have in mind, please post the information along with your phone number on the blog so that we can come along too. Yes, bad weather is right around the corner, but
there are lots of photo ops that come with ice and snow so be ready to get out and shoot.

Another thing the Shooters want more of is educational workshops. If you know of any persons who would be willing to do a workshop for us in 2009, please let us know so that we can get them scheduled. Tamara is working on a couple of speakers and she will give us more details later.

No one was interested in monthly or annual competitions so that will be scratched but most everyone would like to see our group have community exhibits of some kind. So, if you know any local merchants who would be willing to allow us to exhibit our work, please bring it to our attention so we can get a date scheduled.

The Mission Statement authored and posted by Dewanna will stand. It is an excellent statement about the Shooters group and everyone at the last meeting agreed that is spoke for all of us.

Thank you Dewanna for all the work you've put into making this blog available to us; Good Job!

The next meeting is set for Tuesday, November 25Th at 6:30 PM at the Scott Co Library.
The subject to shoot is FALL/AUTUMN. Hope to see all of you there!


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